animal medicine

Wolf Time with author Barbara Moritsch

What happens when a naturalist/ecologist learns how to connect with the dreaming of wolves? Barbara Moritsch shares how her personal shamanic practice led to the writing of Wolf Time, a book of fiction (wink, wink) that Jane Goodall hails as a “magical blend of fact and fantasy.”

The Shaman's Guide To Power Animals with Lori Morrison

Connecting with the spirit of an animal is ancient medicine and is one of the universal practices of shamanic cultures. To help those of us interested in rekindling this ancient connection and “enter the soul of the animal kingdom,” my guest Lori Morrison wrote the book The Shaman’s Guide to Power Animals - an accessible guide to help us manage life’s challenges.

“The Story I’d Always Been Looking For”

Author Martha Hunt Handler has had a special connection with wolves since she was a child. In the first episode of Season 3 I talk with Martha about the tragic incident that inspired her to write her debut novel, Winter of the Wolf. We also talk about her ability to communicate with those who’ve died and how hearing the unlikely sound of wolves howling outside her house in New York enabled her to bring her life long passion for wolves full circle.