What is The Harmonic Egg?

The Harmonic Egg®, invented by Gail Lynn in 2016, is a patented technology that delivers the frequencies of light, sound, and color to the body in a resonant chamber. The chamber was designed in a dodecagon shape, and it incorporates Tesla mathematics, sacred geometry and the Golden Mean Ratio within its construction.

  • The Harmonic Egg® is designed as a sacred geometric chamber that uses sound and light therapy with a resonant frequency to move and/or re-route blocked energy.

  • It is made of natural wood to enhance the resonance within the chamber.

  • There is no guess work for the technician, and the emotional and physical state of the technician does not affect outcomes.

  • The Harmonic Egg® is not software-driven and does not incorporate Bluetooth or wireless technologies. The Harmonic Egg® is completely natural and safe.

How does it work?

The resonant frequency used by the Harmonic Egg® has the ability to detect the vibration of your body and any imbalance. That imbalance is harmonized with the exact opposite frequency.

How many sessions should I do?

Clients might see improvement with a single session in the Harmonic Egg®, but more frequently 3-10 sessions are necessary depending upon the client’s goals.

The optimal number of sessions varies from individual to individual. During your first visit we’ll assess your needs and wellness goals during an intake conversation. Together we’ll design a protocol specifically for you. 

It takes your body 5-7 days to process a single Egg session. If you have a chronic concern, it’s recommended that you begin with weekly sessions based on your wellness goals.

Our clients say they experience healing on many levels—emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Clients often find it is a consciousness-raising experience that increases creative thought and helps them heal from past traumas and limiting thoughts.

Often times there are odors released from the body, indicating an environmental detox.

To encourage ongoing self care we offer a discounted annual maintenance membership (scroll down for fee information).

what If I’m Claustrophobic?

This is the most common question we get! If you’re claustrophobic we can leave the Harmonic Egg® doors open during your session.

What Can I expect from an Egg Session?

Our clients say they experience healing on many levels—emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Clients often find it is a consciousness-raising experience that increases creative thought and helps them heal from past traumas and limiting thoughts.

Often times there are odors released from the body, indicating an environmental detox.

The fee schedule for Harmonic Egg® sessions":

  • Single Session: $99 (Special Introductory Price: $85)

“MONTHLY BLISS!” Monthly Maintenance Annual Membership

  • $85/month (one session per month with a year commitment.)

How much will it cost?

Are Egg sessions covered by insurance?

Unfortunately we are unable to accept insurance or Medicare, but many people use their HSA or Flex accounts to cover the cost of their sessions.

What are my responsibilities when engaging in Harmonic Egg therapy?

We ask you to take responsibility for all aspects of your well being; to honestly evaluate your life and invite the possibility of change. To gain the most value your Harmonic Egg® sessions we suggest that you:

  • Rest

  • Be gentle with yourself

  • Drink lots of water

  • Get adequate sleep

  • Limit yourself to mild exercise

  • Eat well, making sure you get enough protein

  • To take advantage of your body’s healing capacity, please avoid caffeine, sugar and alcohol on the day of your session

  • To prevent overwhelming your body, it’s advisable to reschedule chiropractic appointments and other forms of energy work (cranial sacral, homeopathy, massage, acupuncture, biofeedback, etc.) on the day of your session and for several days after your session.

What is your cancellation policy?

For clients cancelling a single Egg session or an Egg package we request at least 24 hour notice. The late cancellation fee for single sessions/packages is approximately 50% of the session/package fee.