An ancient practice used for healing and divination.
Shamanism is the word commonly used today to describe a dynamic and engaging approach to healing and divination that has been practiced by indigenous peoples around the world for tens of thousands of years.
A shamanic practitioner knows how to intentionally alter their consciousness and enter a waking dream state in order to access and interact with the symbolic realm of non-physical reality, also referred to as the Dreamtime, for the purpose of healing and gaining insight.
Accessing the Dreamtime is akin to accessing the mysterious and vast world of consciousness.

Services Offered:

“I was Set Free and my blackboard of me wiped clean!”
“What an Extraordinary Healing Session I had with Wendy Halley 2 weeks ago! I was Guided to schedule a Reset Session with Wendy and it truly was a RESET! I received a Profound Gift of Healing my Foundation Of Trust To Be Me with clarification of WHY I had felt this Deep Division , Fear and Disharmony at the Core Of my Being. I was Set Free and my blackboard of me wiped clean! I FEEL Totally Cleansed, Purified, Energized and Empowered with a New Sense Of Trust, Peace, Calm and Joy! I Am Eternally Grateful To Wendy and Our Teams for this Life-changing Healing. What a Miraculous Gift! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! (Highly Suggest recording Wendy’s feedback following {the shamanic healing] session for your review later! I have listened many times, anchoring in and Remembering Of Being Birthed Anew). ️🦋️”
With Much Love and Gratitude,
Holly Richardson -
“My heart feels released from its jail”
“I remember booking the big medicine package almost thinking ‘this is it... If not, what if I never heal?!’
...People have asked me ‘what’s it like?! How does it feel in there (Energy Therapy pod)?!’ I tell them to imagine their most blissed out meditation experience, mixed with the most luxurious massage calming all the senses and feeling safe. Being in a state of constant flight or fight has made safety a foreign concept to me.
Then the shamanic healing session.
There are parts of my story I have never told a soul. Secrecy Fuels the viscous cycle that is shame. Shame becomes its very own parasite: Feeding on anger, sadness, anxiety and helplessness. When you asked me my story ... I froze. Then I decided to trust.
It’s all I had left to get back to being a woman. A mother. A friend. A daughter. A kick ass mental health worker.
And so I trusted. My Hope was to heal the perma-heartbreak I had cocooned myself in for years.
What happened after? Was a miracle. The minute I walked out of your office was the beginning of my new chapter. My new Beginning. I have been able to laugh. I have been able to get out of my house without the long veil of grief dragging behind me entangling each aspect of my life.
What has completely amazed me? I’m no longer angry. I’m no longer angry. Had to write that down twice. What you saw as a pocket watch during your healing session was the gift of time. Only to be frozen in time and locked under key. Only Something magical transformed. I’ve decided to give myself the gift of..My time. I’ve decided to ask guidance from my Bear. I’ve decided to honor my elephant. I’ve decided to spoil my hummingbirds who were taken from me willingly. My heart. My pure ivory heart left to die in a cob of venom-ed webs. 2 weeks later the magic continues. My body feels released from the inflammation. My heart feels released from its jail. My spirit feels free to wander.”
Eternally grateful, A.W.
“Over a period of weeks, many forgotten fragments of memory and dream came together”
“What about Wendy?! Wendy lightly, deftly twinkled her huge oceanic surge of raw vision and power into my process, and infused it with outrageous dynamism. When I called, I had been having traumatic dreams that left me exhausted and raw with images and feelings I could not interpret or shake. As I was sparked by her vision, I felt like I was catapulted from my painful murky swamp to brilliant daylight – into a stream of hyper-vivid time-travel revelations. Over a period of weeks, many forgotten fragments of memory and dream came together, and I recognized in the details – for the first time – that I had been drugged and raped 33 years before, at the age of 20 – and that this undischarged process had created my nightmares and a chronic pattern of collapse into strange fatigue and over sensitivity- and so many other things in my life that had never made sense to me. . .
Wendy found and retrieved the part of me that had dissociated during the experience and still held the pain and powerlessness – and guided me in reintegrating with the pain of her trauma ; coming to a place of reunion ; re-balancing ; wholeness & finally the process of rebirth and re-emergence.
I warmly recommend her work ! She is warm, solid, safe and very funny, an experienced psychotherapist and healer ; your journey will be in safe hands with her and her remarkable vision and power.”
G.P. - Springfield, Vermont
“I can’t explain exactly how Wendy helped me, but I do know it worked”
“After years of struggle and constant work to find peace and acceptance with a traumatic event in my life, I needed to find a deeper level of transformation that I could not access on my own. Wendy uncovered past life experiences that had been hidden from me, and once revealed, began to free me so that I could move on with my life. I am so grateful for this healing that has literally freed me from the prison I had been living in. Now I can see where I am and who I am at this moment, no longer tied to the past. I can’t explain exactly how Wendy helped me, but I do know it worked, and I am deeply grateful to have received the gift of her healing.”
K.W. - Montpelier, Vermont
"After having an eye-opening and freeing healing session with Wendy, I wanted to do more for myself"
“I’d like to tell everyone about this well-written and organized work book that you have written for newbies and some of us who have needed help putting structure into journey work. After having an eye-opening and freeing healing session with Wendy, I wanted to do more for myself. Her workbook, THE MAGICAL PATH, comes with a drumming and waterflow (audio files) so that I am able to journey at home. If I get lazy for awhile, it helps me to get back in the groove. Because of the workshops, monthly chaos, and personal work I’ve done with Wendy, I know more about who I am and how to get to where I want to be. Or in some cases, just to be glad I am who I am! Thanks, Wendy!”
B.R. - Barre, Vermont
"...helped me gain the confidence and momentum to move forward..."
“Working with Wendy helped me gain the confidence and momentum to move forward on changes in my life that it had been hard for me to do. It was a strong confirmation of the direction I am to move in and so helped me do it!”
S.D. - Randolph, Vermont
"...gave me insights into progress that I have made and options for challenges that I was currently facing"
“Wendy Halley’s Shamanic Journey work is such a gift for anyone who is looking to expand their knowledge and understanding of their relationship to self and the universe. The journey that she undertook on my behalf gave me insights into progress that I have made and options for challenges that I was currently facing. I am grateful for this beautiful gift she has to offer and the graceful and light-filled manner in which she shares it. ”
D.B. - Dublin, California
"My sense of safety was brought back"
“I went through a spiritual emergency and I reached a state where I had no ego and therefore no boundaries. I was entirely vulnerable and in this state the vultures descended upon me, in the form of the medical establishment, with their diagnosis of bipolar disorder, and they nearly killed me. I took a workshop (Wolf Medicine) with Wendy on setting boundaries in the dream time. I had a vision during this workshop of coming out of an eggshell and forming a new boundary around myself that was a net, permeable to light and air, but protective, just as a mosquito net protects those in tropical countries from malaria. My sense of safety was brought back by reforming my safety net in Wendy’s workshop.”
C.N. - Northfield, Vermont
"...helped bring clarity and peace to a complicated situation"
“I contacted Wendy many years ago after reading an article in a local paper about how she came to Shamanism. Wendy seemed like someone that was authentically herself. My impression was and still is bang on. I have had several healing sessions, a soul retrieval, taken most of Wendy’s Shamanic workshops and the Foundations of Shamanism training.
Ms. Halley works with Lightning medicine it is truly enlightening and powerfully healing stuff. Wendy and her Guides help clear that which is not serving an individual’s highest good. Wendy and her helpers guide the parts of self in returning to the one that seeks healing, the rest is up to us to honor.
Wendy has been there for me and my family in very trying times. Recently, I lost my husband to a tragic death. Wendy was there for his soul and my spirit. Wendy’s work on behalf of all my family has helped bring clarity and peace to a complicated situation.
I have met many that call themselves Shaman but few that don’t (Wendy doesn’t.) Wendy in my opinion is not only on the path she’s there with the lights on, a tiny glass of special water assisting others to find their ways to self. I am thankful that Wendy has chosen this path.”
T.T. - Massage Therapist, Shelburne, Vermont
"I have been able to access deep inner healing and wisdom"
“Working with Wendy has been so profound for me. My whole being and way of being in the world have been altered, and I have been able to access deep inner healing and wisdom as a result. I honestly feel as though I experienced a true gift and a miracle. I can’t say enough about Wendy!! She is an amazingly gifted healer – I have so much gratitude for the self-empowerment and deep healing I have experienced by working with her. I HIGHLY recommend her services!”
K.S. - Strathroy / Ontario, Canada
"....help accelerate the shifts..."
"This was my third session with Wendy. It was an incredible experience (again) and she always exceeds my expectations. I find (and love) working with the profound energy for a few weeks/months after, which help accelerate the shifts she and I began during the session. I highly recommend working with Wendy."
Vickie A.W.
"If you're ready to do the big work to truly change your life"
"There are very few people in the world that can go as big and deep with you as Wendy and in such a safe space. If you're ready to do the big work to truly change your life, Wendy is the person to help."
Stephanie W.
"It is both a powerful and subtle experience"
"Working with Wendy has allowed me to access an inner landscape that is not reachable through traditional talk therapy. Through shamanic sessions with her, I have been given the tools to heal from past trauma and the resulting patterns that have kept me from knowing my strengths. It is both a powerful and subtle experience."
Joanne V.
* The statements made or services provided through this website or by Lucid Path Wellness are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials regarding Shamanic Healing are voluntarily given and do not represent the opinions of Lucid Path Wellness. The services provided by Lucid Path Wellness are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.