Twylla Lannes Twylla Lannes

The Call: My introduction to the spirit world

The ways of spirit are mysterious. Couple that with my tendency to be kind of dense and you’ve got yourself a recipe for utter bewilderment. Such was the case when the spirits came knocking on my door about 12 years ago. At the time, not only was I oblivious to the ‘call,’ but I didn’t even know I had answered. Instead, I just wrote the whole thing off as a very strange experience.

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Twylla Lannes Twylla Lannes

What Goes Around . . . (Part One)

It didn’t take long after my first visionary experience (see my preceding article – The Call: My Introduction to the Spirit World), for the dust to settle in my psyche. I put the experience to rest and got back to the grounding nature of my routine. But deep down inside, a part of me knew that life would never be the same again. I had experienced something that defied logic, yet felt completely real.

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Twylla Lannes Twylla Lannes

. . . Comes Around (Part 2)

A week after my first healing session I was back on the massage table ready for my next experience. Of course I had the customary internal battle raging in my wee little head. My inner skeptic was certain that my first rather unusual experience (please see my last article “What Goes Around”) was a fluke and was most likely the result of an overactive imagination, while the more receptive part of me was completely fascinated and secretly hoped for another vision. Of course, I was rooting for the receptive part of me to win. Skeptics are a buzz kill.

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