"I know with absolute certainty that the Energy Genesis saved my life."
New Jersey / July 6, 2004
“Don’t touch anything.”
The E.R. doctor said.
“You could be contagious.”
I was sent home.
With what turned out to be 4 detrimental prescriptions.
Vermont / November 28, 2015
The day after the worst Thanksgiving of our lives.
I wanted to die.
I prayed for it every night for years.
I had tremors.
My skin crawled.
My feet were on fire.
I felt as if someone was pressing on my palpitating heart.
I was afraid.
I would cry myself to sleep by daybreak, if I was lucky.
But sleeping only made way for the hideous nightmares.
And this was only what happened in the dark.
At the urging of my sister, to my then husband,
I met Wendy- a curious spirit, at her home.
After a Shamanic healing,
Wendy confirmed what I had been saying - I was a shell.
There was nothing left of me.
It’s as if I was dying.
I cried at the validation.
Someone finally can see what I felt.
My exhausted, left-brained, husband didn’t know what to think.
We moved from New Jersey, to Vermont, in July of 2014 for all the wrong reasons.
We left our home on a lake, that we lovingly restored, terraced and gardened.
The story was, we were moving because I was EMF sensitive.
Smartmeters were going up in our neighborhood.
Everyone knew I got really sick from the one we finally got off our house.
It was only part of the truth.
We left family, friends, our happy wildlife that we fed.
I begged him to never speak of the real truth.
I was being targeted.
The government.
The neighbors.
He tried to save me.
This would make it all better.
I thought.
He thought.
“I want a house you can’t see from the road.”
And that, we bought.
With 18 acres and no one in sight.
Unfortunately, I got worse.
Most likely from the cold and isolation.
I would barely leave the house.
And when I did-
I thought I was still being followed.
I now heard strangers next to me repeating my private conversations.
I was trembling.
Even on a warm, sunny day.
Fear was my overarching emotion.
And I cried incessantly.
I convinced myself I had some sort of PTSD from our move.
On top of this, I had strange bouts of rage.
In hindsight,
I truly believe my husband did save me.
He got me to Wendy.
But our beautiful life crumbled around us.
The next day, I got into the Life Vessel/Energy Genesis.
After an hour of a release of emotion, trauma,
and whatever else had taken a hold of me for over a decade- -
“How do you feel?”
Wendy asked.
“Overwhelming love.”
I replied through my uncontrollable tears.
I cried even harder at the thought of the angels that surrounded me.
Sang to me.
Healed me.
December 5-7, 2015.
My first consecutive visits to the Life Vessel/Energy Genesis.
I could barely get there.
I could barely pick my head up off the bed.
I called to cancel.
With Wendy’s encouragement, I needed to complete all 4 sessions.
What I was feeling was the detox.
In hindsight- it was so much worse for me.
But in the days and weeks after,
I was healing.
My severe insomnia lifted in 2 days.
My paranoia lifted.
My agoraphobia lifted.
A fog had lifted.
Everything was beautiful again.
I was my old Piscean self.
I was able to happily drive, to New Jersey, by myself.
I spent Christmas with my family and friends that I stopped socializing with well before the move.
January 2016
I did a single session of the Life Vessel/Energy Genesis to prepare for another drive to New Jersey alone.
I was doing better than ever.
I was hopeful, outgoing.
I was able to read again.
To actually comprehend what I was reading.
My other sister, who was also concerned, put an article in front of me-
“Chronic persistent Lyme Disease (LD) or chronic Borreliosis” by Dr. Petra Hopf-Seidel
I highlighted almost every symptom in front of her.
Oh my god.
“I have Lyme.”
I was now back to how I was thinking in 2005.
“I am exhausted, I have migraines, shooting leg pain that wakes me up, joint pain, night sweats, I gained 30 pounds, and I am depressed.
I think I have Lyme. I want the test.”
“It’s negative. You don’t have Lyme.
Here is an anti-depressant. And some migraine pills.”
“I now have tinnitus, numb and tingling hands, acid reflux, nightmares, I am exhausted, I have migraines, shooting leg pain that wakes me up, joint pain, night sweats, I gained 30 pounds, and I am depressed.
I know I have Lyme. I want the test again.”
“It’s negative. Again. You don’t have Lyme.
The tinnitus is from the anti-depressant. Here’s a prescription for the acid reflux. I want you to get a carpal tunnel test. And let’s schedule an MRI of your brain- - to see if you have a tumor that is giving you migraines.”
Then came the slew of over 20 doctors - - every specialist and more useless tests and prescriptions.
Then the psychologists, psychiatrists with their newest anti-depressants and additional anti-anxiety pills.
It occurs to me now, that even my brother mentioned Lyme a number of times as I steadily declined over the next 9 years as it finally took residence in my brain. I couldn’t hear anything logical in the later years.
Vermont / March 24, 2016
“You are right. You have Lyme. I can start treating you right now. You have had many early, middle and now late-stage symptoms. Lyme is a clinical diagnosis. If we start treatment and you feel better, it confirms it.” My naturopath said.
Turns out, I am suffering with Chronic Late-stage Lyme Neuroborreliosis, and many co-infections - - including Bartonella, Babesia and Toxoplasmosis. The latter two alone - - once described in an article I read as, “A cocktail for suicide.”
I know with absolute certainty that the Energy Genesis saved my life.
The early detox reactions were severe because there was over a decade of spirochetes that went unchecked- I was having an enormous Herxheimer reaction.
I believe I was fortunate enough to be exposed to light and sound therapy way before anyone ever heard of it.
And finally, it is our destiny.
I also believe that The Energy Genesis, an enormous part of my Lyme and company regimen, continues to get my mind and body back on track to heal itself from the ongoing onslaught of symptoms.
Especially when emotional traumas inflame my brain.
I am about to see Wendy again.
I am sure she knows why.