“…my neck and back ‘glide’ easier with less cracking and popping…”
I decided to try the Energy Genesis for a number of different reasons, one of the most prominent issues being bilateral tingling in my arms and hands. When I first entered the Energy Genesis vessel, I felt an almost instant feeling of absolute calm. During the session I felt varying bodily sensations ranging from pressure and a feeling of body heaviness to almost weightlessness. Halfway through the session my arms started to ache, at times a bit uncomfortably, but I breathed through the discomfort and the sensation passed. Throughout the entire experience I felt a sense of calm unlike anything I had experienced before in my meditative practices.
My wife said ‘You look taller.’
Over the years, I have had increasing difficulties with joints, especially back, neck, shoulders, knees and wrists. I didn’t have ‘grand’ expectations with regard to the back, shoulders or neck due to the severity of the injuries and/or the medical reasoning for the issues, as well as the length of time that I had lived with them. I did, however, have hopes that some improvement in all areas could be gained through the Energy Genesis. To say the least, I am surprised at the differences felt after each session.