Twylla Lannes Twylla Lannes

“…deeply relaxing.”

If felt very much like what it might be like to lay comfortably within the sound box of a very large and beautiful violin.

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Twylla Lannes Twylla Lannes

“People have even commented on how ‘zen’ I seem!”

I decided to try the Energy Genesis for a number of different reasons, one of the most prominent issues being bilateral tingling in my arms and hands.  When I first entered the Energy Genesis vessel, I felt an almost instant feeling of absolute calm. 

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Wendy Halley Wendy Halley

"I have felt more awakened on every level..."

I originally sought out Life Vessel/Energy Genesis Technology because I was on the verge of navigating several huge transitions in my life. Both my personal and professional lives were in the beginning stages of upheaval, and I wanted to engage with a healing modality that would help reduce stress, offer a larger, more equanimous perspective, and help me keep body, mind and spirit in balance throughout.

I am a certified practitioner of several healing modalities, and have tried every form of healing therapy I could get my hands on over the years. I did this because of a yearning to heal, and a desire to maximize my potential as a human being. There were successes and missteps along the way, but I never quite felt like I was going as deep as I wanted to go.

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Twylla Lannes Twylla Lannes

“…my anxiety does not kick in as quickly as before…”

I feel like the Life Vessel helped me to reset my stress reaction which was very valuable to me, especially after the extremely challenging holiday season.  I am finding that my anxiety does not kick in as quickly as before, I am not consciously carrying the stress on my shoulders all day, and when a new snag comes up I feel better equipped to problem solve through it.  I don’t know for how long I will have this relief but any amount of respite is worth the experience of the Life Vessel.  It almost feels like my metabolism has reset to maintain 180 lbs instead of 190 lbs although I had been working on that before my experience, I do remembering visiting that while in the vessel.

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Wendy Halley Wendy Halley

“Being in the vessel felt like getting away…”

Thank you for an experience that I will remember and look forward to repeating. Being in the vessel felt like getting away, a journey, that brought me deeper inside myself. The vibrations from the music, while lying on the soft mattress, made it feel as if I was lifting off, the feeling I get when I take off in an airplane…my favorite part of air travel.

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